Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Our Journey...In Progress

So we have a partial snow day here in Kansas City. So I figured now would be the best time to dive into our journey with infertility.

I am by no means an expert, in the big picture we have only been dealing with infertility for a very short time compared to other couples. 

I have read and spoken to people who have been dealing with this WAY longer than us. I found this funny, because for me these treatments are my only option, relaxing will not make Baby B.

This might be a little lengthy so bear with me…here we go… 

When I was 17 I was diagnosed with PCOS (polyscystic ovary syndrome). Fast forward to last summer. I 

knew that it was going to be a process for us to get pregnant so about 2 months before we got married 

I went off the pill. We were married on August 31, 2013. Since I went off my birth control, I never got a 

period. We visited our doctor and came up with a plan.

Plan A: I started taking Progesterone to induce a period. On day 5 of my period they started me on Clomid, a hormone to help you ovulate. Then about a week later I had an appointment and they did an follicle ultrasound, I HAD AN EGG. I was ecstatic!! I was given an hCG trigger shot and was told exactly 
when we needed to have sex. Done. 

Two weeks later, I took a test....big fat negative…:( So the doctor started me on the next cycle but changed the hormone to Letrozole. Same process for the next 3 months on Letrozole. I had follicles every time but no baby Barber yet. :( 

Last week I had a consult with my doctor to come up with a new better plan.

Plan B: My doctor wants me to get a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) to make sure that everything is flowing like it should. Make sure there are no blockages. (I know, more than you wanna know) 
If everything is all clear then we move to the “heavy duty” hormones. 

We will start the injectable hormone, Follistim, next month if everything goes according to plan. We will inject the hormone ourselves for 5 days at home and then get checked. This time they are shooting for 3-5 follicles!! Woah baby! We will also do insemination this time to stack the odds in our favor. 

So that’s our plan! 

Here's to hoping!

Mrs. B


  1. Just found your blog & read your story, sending the warmest thoughts your way!!!! Be strong & stay positive! Excited to follow along with you!


    1. Thank you so much for the kind words! They mean a lot! :)

  2. I also just found your blog and I am too going through this adventure of trying to become a mommy. My husband and I got married in August as well (8-17-13) and I went off the pill right after. We have been trying since and still no luck. We have been trying lots of different methods the last two months and hope one works. I haven't tried the smoothie, but I have some herbs/tea and they taste like Indian spices. Ugh, and I have to drink it twice a day.

    I am excited to follow along in your journey and share methods and trials.

    Danielle at Sparkles and Lattes
