Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Version of the "Fertility Smoothie"

Throughout this whole infertility process, and after seeing a couple negative pregnancy tests, I was willing to try just about anything!

I had heard about a fertility smoothie that was supposed to give you a boost. So I looked it up and came across this. It couldn't hurt, right?

So I got on Amazon and bought all the ingredients. One of my friends had told me about Fertiligreens so I substituted that for the powdered greens.

So mixed it all up...and let me tell you, it was DISGUSTING! I literally could not finish it. I'm not a smoothie person to start with and I'm a very picky eater so that probably played a big part in it. But I was determined to have a smoothie everyday to help my fertility. So I decided that I would mix the Fertiligreens, the omega, and the Maca powder in with water. In my opinion those were the most important.

Ladies, it was even worse! But at least I could chug it!

My bestest friend told me that she had started to mix it in with mango/orange juice. So yet again, I tried. It was MUCH better! I still have to chug it (probably because I'm a baby) but at least I get my 'fix' every day.

I'm not sure if it's helping or not, I probably will never know, but hey it can't hurt!

Mrs. B

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